Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011
Skin PB for CS 1.6 ( Combat Machete)
nih gw kasih skin combatmachete for cs 1.6 by Hessho lebih cocok sama M1887
penasaran langsung ajjh gan: Download
Skin Dual Micro Uzi For Counter Strike 1.6 & CZ
Sekali lagi saya menulis artikel tentang Counter Strike, emang sih saya juga udah bosan nulis artikel tentang Counter Strike. Namun karena banyak pembaca setia zhoppenk yang request skin senjata cs, langsung jadi semangat deh. Hehehe.
Nah kali ini saya akan membagikan skin senjata Dual Micro Uzi. Oke sekali lagi thanks buat MR Pratikum yang udah request. Oke tanpa harus berbicara panjang lagi silahkan di Download.
Spesivikasi :
Nama Skin : Dual Micro Uzi
Penerbit : Hesho & Friends ( CSPB )
Letak : UMP & Mac 10
4 Situs Terbaik Penyedia Skin & Maps For Counter Strike 1.6 dan CZ
Mungkin salah satu dari anda bingung dari mana saya mendapatkan Skin, Maps dan berbagai perlengkapan CS lainnya. Sejujurnya saya ini hanyalah perantara. Yah terkadang ada yang mengatakan saya sebagai seorang lecher. Nah, karena saya tidak ingin melukai hati si pembuat Skin dan Maps yang biasa saya tulis di artikel-artikel sebelumnya. Maka saya akan menuliskan beberapa situs Penyedia Skin dan Maps CS milik si pembuat skin dan maps yang biasa saya tulis.
Situs ini sebenarnya sebuah forum, namun karena tampilan forumnya yang tidak terlalu menonjol, jadi bisa di anggap situs. Di Situs ini, banyak sekali terdapat berbagai macam skin, maps, sprites, dan lainnya untuk semua versi CS. Selain itu, situs ini juga menyediakan berbagai macam skin dan maps untuk beberapa game FPS seperti Left 4 Dead, Stalker, bahkan GTA pun juga ada disini.
Di Situs ini, anda akan menjumpai berbagai macam skin, maps dan lainnya yang tentunya untuk game CS. Yang menarik dari situs ini adalah karena skinnya yang banyak menyerupai senjata di game online seperti PB dan Cross Fire. Skin dari situs ini juga cenderung keren dan sangat mirip dengan senjata yang di tirukannya.
Dari namanya, anda pasti juga sudah tau seperti apa skin dan maps yang disediakan oleh situs ini. Sama seperti CS Federation, situs ini juga menyediakan skin, maps dan lainnya yang menyerupai senjata PB. Namun, sayangnya situs ini sudah jarang mengupdate artikelnya lagi, sehingga banyak orang yang beralih dari situs ini ke situs penyedia skin CS lainnya.
Di Situs ini, tersedia berbagai macam skin karakter untuk CS. Yang menarik dari situs ini, selain menyediakan karakter PB, situs ini juga menyediakan berbagai karakter yang lucu dan unik lainnya, seperti Brimob, Densus 88, Petani, Dan masih banyak lagi.
Selain situs-situs diatas, masih ada juga situs-situs populer penyedia Skin, Maps dan berbagai pernak-pernik CS seperti situs dibawah :
Thanks To :
Zhoppenk Team
Daftar Situs Di Atas
CS-PB Emunkz
Extension Plugin For Counter Strike 1.6 dan Cz
Sebelumnya saya pernah membagikan artikel tentang Plugin CS 1.6 dan CZ. Nah kini saya akan mengulas lagi tentang plugin ini. Perlu di ketahui bahwa plugin cs ini sangat di perlukan apalagi bagi anda yang gemar mengganti-ganti skin CS. Jadi saya sarankan untuk segera memasang pluginnya ini di CS anda.
Nah sebagai pelengkap plugin CS, saya akan memberikan extension untuk plugin cs anda, yaitu silahkan anda lihat daftar dibawah :
Effect Killer (Akan memunculkan Grafik effect kill seperti di PB)
Activation Dual Mode ( Yaitu jika anda memencet B )
Sight Mode ( Pembidik )
Cara Pasang :
Untuk Counter Strike 1.6
Buka Extension Plugin yang telah anda download, maka akan muncul folder cstrike
kemudian Pindahkan folder cstrike nya ke Folder Dasar Counter Strike 1.6
Biasanya letak folder dasarnya di : ( Local Disk C > Program files > Counter Strike 1.6 )
Biasanya letak folder dasarnya di : ( Local Disk C > Program files > Counter Strike 1.6 )
Untuk Counter Strike Condition Zero
Buka Extension Plugin Yang telah anda download, maka akan muncul folder cstrike.
Rename Folder cstrike nya menjadi czero
Kemudian Pindahkan folder czero nya ke Folder Dasar Counter Strike Condition ZeroBiasanya letak folder dasarnya di : ( Local Disk C > Valve > Condition Zero )
Skin Kriss S.V.D Original For Counter Strike 1.6 dan CZ
Di hari yang berkesempatan ini, saya akan membagikan sebuah skin senjata andalan saya, yaitu Kriss S.V.D.
Skin Kriss S.V.D ini, sekarang sudah hampir sama tampilannya dengan senjata Kriss yang ada di PB pada umumya. Bukan hanya itu, skin ini juga dilengkapi dengan Dual Mode jika anda menekan B. Dan Skin Kriss ini juga memiliki Dot Sight ( Pembidik ). Hampir mirip dengan PB bukan? Namun, sayangnya untuk memasang skin ini, anda harus mengistall terlebih dahulu Plugin CS. Jadi saya anjurkan untuk tidak mendownload skin kriss ini dulu, sebelum anda menginstall Plugin CS nya.
Silahkan di Download.
Cara Pasang :
Untuk Counter Strike 1.6
Buka Skin Kriss yang telah anda download, maka akan muncul folder cstrike
kemudian Pindahkan folder cstrike nya ke Folder Dasar Counter Strike 1.6
Biasanya letak folder dasarnya di : ( Local Disk C > Program files > Counter Strike 1.6 )
Biasanya letak folder dasarnya di : ( Local Disk C > Program files > Counter Strike 1.6 )
Untuk Counter Strike Condition Zero
Buka Skin Kriss Yang telah anda download, maka akan muncul folder cstrike.
Rename ( Ganti Nama ) Folder cstrike nya menjadi czero
Kemudian Pindahkan folder czero nya ke Folder Dasar Counter Strike Condition ZeroBiasanya letak folder dasarnya di : ( Local Disk C > Valve > Condition Zero )
[Weapon] AK-47 G. for Cstrike/Czero
AK-47 G is an Ak-47 type weapons that barrel coated by gold. This weapon has an attractive appearance and greater strength compared to other AK-47.
Note : This for AK47/CV-47 models
Link Download :
[Weapon] Aug A3. for Cstrike/Czero
No Description.
Note : This for Aug/Bullpup models.
Link Download :
[Weapon] F2000 Ext. for Cstrike/Czero
F2000 Ext. is a weapon that was developed in Belgium. This weapon has a much visibility because it comes with a long barrel and has a high accuracy. These weapons are easy to carry in the battlefield.
Note : This for sg552/krieg models
Link Download :
[Weapon] K2. for Cstrike/Czero
K-2 is a weapon that was developed in Korea. This weapon is a combination of M16 and AK-47. Advantages possessed by these weapons is to have a range far and easy to use but shortcomings lies in its accuracy.
Note : This for galil models
Link Download :
[Weapon] L115A1. for Cstrike/Czero
No Description.
Note : This for Awp/Magnum models
Link Download :
[Weapon] Dragunov. for Cstrike/Czero
Dragunov sniper is a weapon that was developed in the Soviet Union. Is the development of an AK-47. Those advantages are on his shot semi-automatic. Have 10 bullets in a magazine and has great strength.
Note : This for g3sg1 models.
Link Download :
[Weapon] PSG-1. for Cstrike/Czero
PSG-1 is a sniper weapon that was developed in Germany by H & K has the highest accuracy rate of all types of semi-automatic sniper weapon. Have 5 bullets in a magazine and have great power but there are weaknesses on the weight of this weapon.
Notes : This for sg550 models.
Link Download :
[Weapon] M1887. for Cstrike/Czero
Unlike the predecessor model yes it 870MCS, M1887 has a Chrome Coating, Wooden stronger so that has destroyed the power as men and attraction like a woman.
Note : This for M3 models.
Link Download :
[Weapon] MP5K. for Cstrike/Czero
No Description.
Note : This for mp5 models
Link Download :
[Weapon] C.Phyton for Cstrike/Czero
Pistol revolver produced by the Colt Company in America, uses 357 magnum ammo, have the longest 8-inch barrel, and have destroyed a great power.
Note : This for deagle models.
Link Download :
[App] Launcher PB for Cstrike/Czero
This Launcher is made similar to that existing in the game Point Blank. Launcher is designed to run the game Counter Strike.
This application was created with software called Autoplay Media Studio. Application works with system "Run Program" by using file (*. bat).
How to enter the Application are:
1. His Extract Files (PB Launcher for PB Portable.rar).
2. Copy File (lua5.1.dll, lua51.dll, Launcher.exe, and Folder Autoplay) to?: \ Counter Strike 1.6 \ (or where you installed CS)
3. If you want to run Launchernya Then just run the file Launcher.exe.
Link Download :
ScreenShoot :
Notes : If you want to use this launcher for Game Condition Zero, the way is go to File on the Autoplay \ Docs \ there is a file (launch.bat) then click edit.
In writing:
start hl.exe -nomaster -game cstrike , you change the writing cstrike into czero then click save.
This application was created with software called Autoplay Media Studio. Application works with system "Run Program" by using file (*. bat).
How to enter the Application are:
1. His Extract Files (PB Launcher for PB Portable.rar).
2. Copy File (lua5.1.dll, lua51.dll, Launcher.exe, and Folder Autoplay) to?: \ Counter Strike 1.6 \ (or where you installed CS)
3. If you want to run Launchernya Then just run the file Launcher.exe.
Link Download :
ScreenShoot :
Notes : If you want to use this launcher for Game Condition Zero, the way is go to File on the Autoplay \ Docs \ there is a file (launch.bat) then click edit.
In writing:
start hl.exe -nomaster -game cstrike , you change the writing cstrike into czero then click save.
[Plugin] Efect Kill in PB for Cstrike/Czero
This effect made by Putra Airlangga..
This effect is import (dll) file from NST .
Link Download :
[Background] PB Background for Cstrike/Czero
This Made by Hessho
Link Download :
Note : This for Screen Resolution 800*600 px and 1024*768 px only.
Step by Step entering Background :
First extract the files you downloaded.
Then, Copy files in a folder "background" and file "BackgroundLayout.txt" and "BackgroundLoadingLayout.txt" to :
"Counter Strike 1.6 \ cstrike \ resource \
If you use Condition Zero copy to Condition Zero \ czero \ resource \
[Char] Acid Pool in Cstrike/Czero
Acid Pool (Paul)
Age: 25, Height: 179cm Weight: 75kg
Graduated as the best police of the University of Elite Police and has a carriage that cool. However, because the style of speaking that funny then he was given the nickname "Acid Pool" by his friends
After graduating he then signed up to become a cop. Because it has a high ability and always had good tactics, he later was assigned to join CT-FORCE. To prove his loyalty and kepercayaanya to the government, he is ready to combat the increasingly rampant Free Rebels.
Link Download :
ScreenShoot :
Age: 25, Height: 179cm Weight: 75kg
Graduated as the best police of the University of Elite Police and has a carriage that cool. However, because the style of speaking that funny then he was given the nickname "Acid Pool" by his friends
After graduating he then signed up to become a cop. Because it has a high ability and always had good tactics, he later was assigned to join CT-FORCE. To prove his loyalty and kepercayaanya to the government, he is ready to combat the increasingly rampant Free Rebels.
Link Download :
ScreenShoot :
[Char] Leopard in Cstrike/Czero
Age: 35, Height: 180cm Weight: 80kg
At age 17 he migrated to the United States along with his entire family. Because it is a descendant of Asia he was always harassed by classmates. After graduating from college at 22 years she immediately signed up for the U.S. Army. At the age of 24 years he has been a member of the Green exacting special force.
He then obtain the rank of Sergeant at the age of 33 years. After that, he returned to his birthplace to enjoy life. Not long after came the news that the central government wanted to recruit all the soldiers that are reliable to form a team against the terrorists is increasingly rampant. Team is called Ct-FORCE. Green exacting get the command to find someone who has a high ability to join CT-FORCE against terrorists. At the time of joining the CT-FORCE him to get a call Leopard.
Link Download :
ScreenShoot :
Age: 35, Height: 180cm Weight: 80kg
At age 17 he migrated to the United States along with his entire family. Because it is a descendant of Asia he was always harassed by classmates. After graduating from college at 22 years she immediately signed up for the U.S. Army. At the age of 24 years he has been a member of the Green exacting special force.
He then obtain the rank of Sergeant at the age of 33 years. After that, he returned to his birthplace to enjoy life. Not long after came the news that the central government wanted to recruit all the soldiers that are reliable to form a team against the terrorists is increasingly rampant. Team is called Ct-FORCE. Green exacting get the command to find someone who has a high ability to join CT-FORCE against terrorists. At the time of joining the CT-FORCE him to get a call Leopard.
Link Download :
ScreenShoot :
[Char] Hide in Cstrike/Czero
Age: 28 years, Height: 177cm Weight: 55kg
He was born in England, both her parents are former soldiers in Tokyo. At age 19 he enrolled to become infantry in the British Army. The age of 22 years he became the most famous soldier in the British Army because it has a tactical support and high capacity. At the age of 26 he got a hard battle, causing injuries to the face. Because of the ability and experience CT-FORCE interested in recruiting him
Coming from a foreign country he was given the nickname "Hide". However, due to its lack of a loner he can get along with each other in the CT-FORCE With a short haircut and black and scars on his face, making him look very cool.
Link Download :
ScreenShoot :
Age: 28 years, Height: 177cm Weight: 55kg
He was born in England, both her parents are former soldiers in Tokyo. At age 19 he enrolled to become infantry in the British Army. The age of 22 years he became the most famous soldier in the British Army because it has a tactical support and high capacity. At the age of 26 he got a hard battle, causing injuries to the face. Because of the ability and experience CT-FORCE interested in recruiting him
Coming from a foreign country he was given the nickname "Hide". However, due to its lack of a loner he can get along with each other in the CT-FORCE With a short haircut and black and scars on his face, making him look very cool.
Link Download :
ScreenShoot :
[Char] Keen Ayse in Cstrike/Czero
Keen Eyes (Ayse)
Age: 26, Height: 178cm Weight: 53kg
Is a descendant of a mixture between natives and immigrants. He has a high ability and is one of the chief of police. For this reason the CT-FORCE intend to ask her to join.
Because it is a half-breed and have a keen eye then his friends called him "Keen Eyes. " Is the only descendant of the mixture in the police.
Link Download : (Without Helm)
ScreenShoot :
Age: 26, Height: 178cm Weight: 53kg
Is a descendant of a mixture between natives and immigrants. He has a high ability and is one of the chief of police. For this reason the CT-FORCE intend to ask her to join.
Because it is a half-breed and have a keen eye then his friends called him "Keen Eyes. " Is the only descendant of the mixture in the police.
Link Download : (Without Helm)
ScreenShoot :
[Char] Red Bull in Cstrike/Czero
Red Bulls
Age - 32 years, Height - 182cm Weight - 85kg
Because only an Immigrant he lived in a small village along with other immigrants parents. and people. He is Also a great footballer. Shortly after receiving the MVP title in soccer championship, he Heard the News That his Parents were the resource persons killed Pls Defending Their Villages from the government WHO Wants To destroy the village. He soon returned to his village, but he only found his village WHO have been Destroyed.
Her heart filled with anger and hatred to the government. Then he joined the Free Rebels to avenge the death of his Parents. Having a physical football player and has a keen eye like a bull to make friends at Free Rebels Called the Red Bulls?
Link Download :
ScreenShoot :
Age - 32 years, Height - 182cm Weight - 85kg
Because only an Immigrant he lived in a small village along with other immigrants parents. and people. He is Also a great footballer. Shortly after receiving the MVP title in soccer championship, he Heard the News That his Parents were the resource persons killed Pls Defending Their Villages from the government WHO Wants To destroy the village. He soon returned to his village, but he only found his village WHO have been Destroyed.
Her heart filled with anger and hatred to the government. Then he joined the Free Rebels to avenge the death of his Parents. Having a physical football player and has a keen eye like a bull to make friends at Free Rebels Called the Red Bulls?
Link Download :
ScreenShoot :
[Char] Tarantula in Cstrike/Czero
Age - 24 years, Height - 179cm Weight - 56kg
He was born in immigrant families. Losing both parents in a child due to accident, was later adopted by another family. Day after day passed by in his new family. But the racist nature of his stepfather increasingly large and treated him roughly. One day he found the revolver in the box, then he took the revolver and shoot adoptive father's chest. As a result of this incident he was thrown into prison. In prison, he was often called as the Tarantula?
After several years he was free from jail.Then he heard the news that immigrants always have discrimination, it made him very angry. Then he will to join the Free Rebels.
Link Download :
ScreenShoot :
Age - 24 years, Height - 179cm Weight - 56kg
He was born in immigrant families. Losing both parents in a child due to accident, was later adopted by another family. Day after day passed by in his new family. But the racist nature of his stepfather increasingly large and treated him roughly. One day he found the revolver in the box, then he took the revolver and shoot adoptive father's chest. As a result of this incident he was thrown into prison. In prison, he was often called as the Tarantula?
After several years he was free from jail.Then he heard the news that immigrants always have discrimination, it made him very angry. Then he will to join the Free Rebels.
Link Download :
ScreenShoot :
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